PhD, UC Berkeley ; JD Harvard
Co-organisatrice du Projet de Droit Comparé Décolonial, Max-Planck-Institut de droit international privé et comparé
L’histoire de l’Islam de l’Antiquité tardive et médiévale ; la jurisprudence islamique ; la jurisprudence juive ; le droit comparé et l’histoire du droit ; les méthodes de recherche critiques
The Beginnings of Islamic Law: Late Antique Islamicate Legal Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Salaymeh, Lena, Yosef Schwartz, and Galili Shahar, eds. Der Orient: Imaginationen in deutscher Sprache, Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 45. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag; Minerva Institut für deutsche Geschichte Universität Tel Aviv, 2017.
“Decolonial translation: destabilizing coloniality in secular translations of Islamic law.” Journal of Islamic Ethics 5:1 (2021): 1-28.
“Comparing Islamic and international laws of war: orthodoxy, heresy, and secularization in the category of civilians.” American Journal of Comparative Law, 69:1 (2021): 136-167.
“Religion is secularized tradition: Jewish and Muslim circumcisions in Germany.” with Shai Lavi in Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 41:2 (2021): 431-58.
“Traduction décoloniale : contre la colonialité dans la conversion séculière du droit islamique en ‘charia’ Clio@Themis, 20:1 (2021)
“Kolonialistisch feminisme, moslimvrouwen en islamitisch recht.” translated by Maaike Voorhoeve, ZemZem 1 (2020): 26-36.
“Imperialist feminism and Islamic law.” Hawwa, Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 17:2-3 (2019): 97-134.
“Taxing citizens: socio-legal constructions of late antique Muslim identity.” Islamic Law and Society 23:4 (2016): 333-67.
“Tunisia’s ‘revolutionary’ lawyers: political mobilization and professional autonomy.” with Eric Gobe, Law & Social Inquiry 41:2 (2016): 311-345.
“’Comparing’ Jewish and Islamic legal traditions: between disciplinarity and critical historical jurisprudence.” Critical Analysis of Law, New Historical Jurisprudence, 2:1 (2015): 153-172.
“Every law tells a story: orthodox divorce in Jewish and Islamic legal histories.” UC Irvine Law Review 4:1 (2014): 19-63.
“Commodifying ‘Islamic law’ in the U.S. legal academy.” Journal of Legal Education 63:4 (May 2014): 640-646.
“Early Islamic legal-historical precedents: prisoners of war.” Law and History Review 26:3 (2008): 521-544.